aide aux enfants du Siroua - Maroc -

aide aux enfants du Siroua  - Maroc -

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A tr?s vite!
Administrateur de aide aux enfants du Siroua - Maroc -

I am Abd, I am Morocain a student at university ( Law ),  I am so interesting in what you do to help kids especially in difficult state on mountains, that's great !
I have no experience in this area but I want really to help and to participate, so what should I do ? do you have a place for your association here in Agadir?
And excuse me to write in English, my french is not so well,so !!
Best regards,

Hello back to myself 
Where are members of this association... ?? 3 months now and no answer !!
Good luck !!

hi Abd 
you have to suscribe ; we participate with 330DH and you can give more if you want 
you have all the information  you can contact the president
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